Hey Richie Whitt! Shut your mouth.
Yes, a bit of a harsh way to begin a blog but read on and you'll find out why.
Recently Texas Rangers pitcher Colby Lewis opted to skip his scheduled start to be in the delivery room as his wife gives birth to his second child.
Now you're probably thinking: "What's the big deal, it makes perfect sense for a guy to want to be there when his wife gives birth."
Not if you're Dallas Observer writer Richie Whitt it seems. In a column published after the event, Whitt took serious issue with Lewis' absence claiming that athletes who make millions of dollars have no right to "miss work for childbirth." I'm not making this up, Read the story in the link I'll post below.
Whitt claims to understand all about how great children are but has deemed missing a start for a child's birth an inexcusable offense. He even has the audacity to say that if childbirth should be scheduled around the season then so be it. He further pointed out to an NBA player who opted to suit up rather than be with his wife.
Now I don't know the story behind the NBA player but maybe, just maybe, he and his wife agreed that he should play. I don't know what went on, and quite frankly I don't care. The point is who are we to judge. Better yet, who is Richie Whitt to judge someone just because their decisions don't coincide with his own deluded sense of reality.
What makes Whitt's argument even more ridiculous is that Lewis was completely within his rights to not start under the new Paternity Leave rules introduced by Major League Baseball which allow players to leave the team for a period of time for childbirth.
But before you think Whitt is totally heartless he does make one concession.
"If it was a first child, maybe. But a second child causing a player to miss a game? Ludicrous."
I don't have children yet but I hope to someday. And you better believe I'm going to find a way to be there in the delivery room no matter what stands in my way.
So actually Richie, you're the ludicrous one. I've ready some of your blogs and I get the whole contrarion thing always taking issue with everything. It's your shtick, though you don't do it very well. And yes, maybe I'm judging you, but when you open your mouth and spew this kind of nonsense in attempt to diminish what is one of the most joyous occasions someone could ever experience, you open yourself to the same kind of judgement you lay on people.
So take a hint, next time show that you have some concept of journalistic integrity and keep your fat mouth shut. Just because you can write basically whatever you want doesn't mean you should.