Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The messy just gets messier

For all the good feelings that sports provide there are some days that just make you sit back, cringe, and question why are you even a sports fan.

Today has been one of those days.

Normally one of the first things I do after I get to the office in the morning is check out ESPN.com to check the scores and news from the overnight hours but on this particular morning my plate was full. So I take care of what I need to take care of and finally get to log onto the site and what am I graced with?

A giant image of an emotional Brett Favre walking off the field last season with the headline "The final goodbye...?" Yes apparently Captain Indecisive himself had decided to "retire," for a third time after reportedly texting friends throughout the league saying "this is it."

So here we go again, Brett dragging all the attention onto him with the will he or won't he actually retire after 19 seasons of professional football. Honestly I'm trying really hard not to care (which is hard because apparently ESPN is holding a Brett Favre "special" edition of SportsCenter at 3:30). It makes me sick to see this happen again and to see everyone just eating out of Favre's hand.

I've never cared if he wants to still play, he's still got the skills so that's fine, just don't do this again because it's getting old. I can only hope that if he does in fact come back he gets the same treatment the Saints gave him in the NFC Championship game next year.

Now normally a story like that alone would be enough to make my skin crawl But apparently ESPN is running a two-for-one special today. Once I got over my dry heaves from the Favre nonsense I saw this little nugget amongst the other headlines: "LeBron ad thanks Akron, but Cleveland absent."

It would seem that Mr. James took out a full-page ad in his hometown paper thanking his fans there for all the support but made no mention whatsoever about the city who treated him like a king for nearly a decade. True Cleveland fans, and owners, may have gone a bit overboard in vilifying LeBron. But I can understand the sentiment given the way in which James dragged the city through the mud during the whole free agency process including the disgusting display showcased by ESPN during "The Decision."

And no, James doesn't really owe the city anything but I would have hoped had the courage to be man enough to try and heal the rift he had a big hand in creating.

So yes, this truly is a day that makes me embarrassed to be a sports fan but I'll take a little solace in the fact that something exciting will probably happen during the rest of the day to soothe my fragile ego.

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