Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Texas Two-Step

Who ever said chivalry is dead? A women identified only as Sarah apparently.

Sarah, along with boyfriend, known as Bo, found herself at Minute Maid Park for a Houston Astros game this past Monday on what seemed like a pleasant evening for a wonderful date at the ballpark.

Yet somehow she just knew that the night would take a turn for the worse. According to an interview on, Sarah said that after arriving at their seats she turned to Bo and said, "Baby I just know we're going to get hit," referring of course to an errant foul ball, to which Bo naturally replied, "No I'll catch it."

Of course he would. As Sarah's un-luck would have it, in the fourth inning Chris Johnson ripped a foul ball right at Sarah and, rather than defend his lady-love, Bo proved he was not much of a beau and danced out of the way allowing the rocketing projectile an unimpeded path right into Sarah's arm. Bo's excuse, blame it on the lights. He claimed that he lost it in the lights! Sorry big guy but only professional outfielders can use that excuse when they make an embarrassing error.

To Sarah's credit, she escaped with only a bruise, a ball, and undoubtedly a sheepishly apologetic boyfriend. So boys, take note, if you take your girlfriend/fiance/wife to a game and a ball happens to rocket at her face, make the sacrifice, take one for the team if you will because a broken hand is much better than a broken heart.

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