Thursday, August 5, 2010

Remember when

So admittedly after posting my last blog I was feeling a tad depressed and hoped that something would happen later that night in the sports world that would bring me out of my funk. And while I didn't happen to catch anything in an actual game I did find a certifiable treasure in the basement of my girlfriend's grandmother's house.

We had gone over for dinner and somehow during conversation the topic of golf came up. They all know I'm an avid golfer and I'm teaching my girlfriend to play and as it turns out they all golfed in the past as well. At one point my girlfriend's grandmother mentions that she, and her sister, probably still have their old clubs somewhere in the basement.

She added that they just weren't any clubs, they were old-style, wooden-shaft clubs that, as it turns out, were over 60-years-old. As soon as dinner was over I, barely able to contain my excitement, and my girlfriend trekked down to the cellar to see them. And it would be fair to say I was like a kid in a candy store. I had always wanted to hold an old style club and I was amazed at just how good of a condition they were in. It was a moment that completely brought me out of my earlier sports depression and I decided then and there that we would try to restore them as keepsakes and heirlooms.

Here are some pictures of our find.

An iron. Note the dots in the club head as opposed to today's style of grooves

A full shot of the iron. Amazingly the wood is in great condition and only needs some polish. The heads have a bit of rust on them but nothing major.

This is where the expression "Hitting it on the screws," was born. A metal plate was screwed into the wooden club head and making contact where the screws were placed meant you were hitting the ball with the sweet spot generating the most distance and accuracy.

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